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The direct contacts of Arcadia almonds are at your disposal. You can contact us for information on the company or products, on the farming methods used or to visit our company.

You can contact us by calling our phone number, you can write us on whatsapp or send an email.

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    where we are

    Arcadia Mandorle rises along the route that connects Foggia to Manfredonia, at the foot of the Gargano. This area of ​​Puglia is very inspiring. The landscapes that follow one another are of various nature and changing like this whole beautiful region. At the crystalline beaches, rocky cliffs rise high to give way to the sweetness of the countryside overlooking the Tavoliere.

    The almond groves of Arcadia coexist with an uncontaminated nature where the trees, in their order, offer a suggestive spectacle, offering the human eye dreamy colors, like that of the flowering that heralds spring. We are happy to welcome you to visit our fields together and immerse yourself in a rare and unique atmosphere.

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